Charnel Valley
The Dark Archives
Southern Lord
Popular Reviews
Charnel Valley - The Dark Archives - 2005 - Paragon Records

Track Listing1. Catapult 2. The Drowning Forest 3. Demonic Science 4. They Sleep In Open Graves 5. The Beast Of Six Thousand Bones |
Well I'll say it again, I am very much "in tune" with power metal and hard rock, but this night I'll give the extreme a listen or two.
From Paragon Records comes Charnel Valley, a new black metal collaboration between Worm co-founder and chief writer Marty Rytkonen and Metal Maniacs journalist S. Craig Zahler. Recorded in four days, "The Dark Archives" presents an old school approach to black metal. Certainly along the same lines as bands like Burzum, Darkthrone, and Enslaved, Charnel Valley showcases five strong doses of sadistic and epic black metal spirit, with each song delivering a raw, fast delivery. With songs like "Demonic Science" and"The Drowning Forest", the two pay homage to the corpse paint of long ago.
The end result is indeed an album for just about any fan of the extreme.
--EC 11.27.05