The Chainsaw
Electric Wizards
Popular Reviews
The Chainsaw - Electric Wizards - reviewed by: Nailer

Track Listing1. Awake Of The Electric Wizards 2. Mechanism Of Inspiration 3. Time For... 4. On The Edge Of The World 5. Deserted Land 6. Great Fury /inside/ 7. Guardian Of The Ice Void 8. Otch³añ 9. Jealousy 10. Harbinger 11. Spiritual Resolution part I 12. Spiritual Resolution part II |
Quick question: How many metal bands can you name from Poland?
You may not be familiar with any, but The Chainsaw (used to be just 'Chainsaw', but 'The' was recently added) would be a good band to start with if you're looking for the guitar-oriented, melodic hard rock that is fairly missing from the American metal scene.
The songs are mostly mid to up tempo riff-driven with melody lines shaping their form and the solid rhythm section from Sebastian Górski on drums and Damian Karwicki on bass to keep the structures intact. The songs lean into 70's style AOR rock for melodies but blend in 80's style dual guitar-inspired leads and some double-kick drumming for an overall sound that isn't quite as powerful as, say, Steel Prophet, but also doesn't sound dated like Rainbow can at times. One thing I really liked about the songs is that they had nice guitar work from Jarek Gajczuk-Zawadzki and Arek Rygielski without having the riffs dominating the overall sound. Stand out tracks include the faster paced "Time For..." and "Deserted Land" which was also included on our copy as a video.
Maciej "Maxx" Koczorowski's vocals are in English with surprisingly, no noticable accent that I could hear. If I didn't know beforehand that they were based in Poland, I would never have guessed it. His vocal pitch is in the higher range similar to guys like Triumph's Rik Emmett, but without the more operatic styling of some of the German power metal guys.
The Chainsaw "Electric Wizards" is a genuine sounding effort without the trappings of being overproduced and it could give Poland a voice on the international power metal scene.
Score: 7.5 of 10
Nailer - 08.22.03