Curse Of Heaven demo
Popular Reviews
Deserves a record deal based off of this demo performance
Ravage - Curse of Heaven - reviewed by: EC

Track Listing 1. Curse Of Heaven 2. Terror's Head 3. The Wasteland 4. Reign Fall 5. The Wicked Way 6. The King Forgotten
Ravage are a five piece power metal act from New England. Founded by brothers Alec & Eli Firicano in the mid-90s, the band has finally received the opportunity to record its first proper demo, "Curse Of Heaven", after years of building a loyal fanbase throughout their home state.
When I received this package in the mail, I knew very few things about the group. I thumbed through the band's bio before inserting the disc and saw that the average age of the band members was 20. I laughed to myself and thought, "yeah, plenty of 3-chord riffs here I'm sure".
When the first song kicked in, "Curse Of Heaven" became a "Gift From Heaven". The opening title track could have been lifted straight from Maiden's "Somewhere In Time" record. This song has a glorious "Wasted Years" feel to it, with plenty of mid-tempo twin guitar and vocals that are surprisingly original for this genre. No over the top Halford or Kiske falsetto here, instead Alec Firicano's voice sounds slightly similar to Maiden's ex-frontman Blaze Bailey.
The second cut, "Terror's Head" has a straight forward Floridian metal vibe to it, with pounding rhythm and plenty of great axe work from Nick Izzo and Eli Firicano. "The Wasteland" follows with a slow acoustic passage before twin guitars slice the silence, spewing forth apocalyptic lyrics over top-notch drums courtesy of skin-basher Phil Coyne. Great German guitar riffs gallop all over "Reign Fall", another solid slab of scorching metal fury. "Wicked Way" is my favorite track, storming forth like prime era Priest, mixing in some epic guitar passages with the razor sharp rhythm we have come to expect only from seasoned veterans like Helloween and Iced Earth. "The King Forgotten" closes the demo in grand fashion, showcasing yet again this band's amazing rhythm section.
This is one of the most talented bands I've heard in quite some time, including old and new bands alike. This band definitely deserves a record deal based off of this demo performance. I would love to see them get a shot at opening for Maiden on the US tour. To be this young and this damn good is quite a spectacle.
Bands like Twisted Tower Dire and Ravage in my opinion are the greatest American exports we have going today.
Cheers to a bright future!
--EC 05.22.03
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS:I was extremely surprised to hear the skill on this disc! These guys have done their metal homework and have internalized the sound into their own music perfectly. When Maiden finally gives up the ghost, this band will be right there to continue on the tradition. If they continue to improve, Ravage will be the future of power metal.