War at the Warfield
Popular Reviews
Slayer - War at the Warfield DVD - Reviewed by Nailer

Slayer is arguably the best extreme band in metal history. Almost twenty years of aggression and sticking to your beliefs just can't be denied.
War At The Warfield is basically two parts, the band in concert and the fans that go to the shows. The show itself is killer--19 songs of brutal metal that ironically, for all the "controlled chaos", takes a lot of skill and mastery to play. By the time my personal favorite, "Raining Blood", hits, the band is a perfect, rumbling, 120 decible beast crushing through its catalog. More seasoned veterans than extreme youth, they own the stage and both band and fan feed off each other in a sybiotic metal feast.
The rest of the DVD shows a lot of their hardcore fans, who are known for simply yelling "SLAY-ER!!!" at any mention of their gods. Like all smart cult leaders, the band smiles and lets their followers explain their religionto the uninitiated. Many of the fans shown seem to have some definate social/societal issues, but I'm guessing they were chosen to fit the "ugliest kid on the block" image. Who cares, though, its all metal. Not only is WATW a must for fans, it's a great watch for any headbanger. Wait till those mother fuckers hit the stage at OzzFest in 2004.
Grade: A
--Nailer 02.23.04