Infernal Thrashing Holocaust
Satanic Lust Records
Popular Reviews
Fastkill - Infernal Thrashing Holocaust - 2004 - Satanic Lust Records

Track Listing1. Torture Inseption 2. Kill For Pleasure 3. Sense Of Ignorance 4. Drenched In Blood 5. Lust And Desire 6. Agony 7. Evil Force 8. Feel The Hatred 9. Eternal Pain |
REAL thrash has returned baby! No, we aren't talking about these new kids, these new band bands that continue to play recycled Slayer riffs. No more modern day Kreator or Destruction sounds here. No boys and girls, this is REAL thrash, brought to you at lightning speed, punishing, hellfueled, and straight up the tail pipe. While so many bands try to hop on the next big thing, underground sensations like Hatework and King's Evil keep the metal flame burning, never compromising their roots or goals, simply carrying on the same chaos and mayhem as bands like Deceased, Metalucifer, and Tankard. From the land of the rising sun comes a new warrior, a brand new beast ready to unleash hell on the masses.
Japan's Fastkill bring the fast and furious with their debut album "Infernal Thrashing Holocaust", and with a title like that you know what to expect. Fans of the early works of Destruction, Sodom, Kreator, and Onslaught should look no further than this band. Building on speed, speed, and more speed, Fastkill embark on a mission to completely annihilate everything in their path, creating a full-length record of complete sonic devestation. At times the band play like madmen, simply going in and taking over with the most precise and tight riffs imaginable, all turned up and cranked up a million times faster than your modern Slayer or Exodus. The band borders on the macabre, with vocalist Singer Toshio completely out of control, hitting a strange register that combines screaming and singing together into one maniacal and sinister delivery. The riffs border on manical, just completely over the top with some of the fastest guitar playing I've heard in years.
"Infernal Thrashing Holocaust" is probably one of the finest thrash albums to come out in the last ten years. No need to describe the tracks here, I wouldn't be able to do them any justice whatsoever. I'll just leave you with this thought: Fastkill are thrash saviors, really creating the kind of speed metal that hasn't been played or heard in years. This band capture the sounds of 80s speed and brings it to life here in the 21st Century. If you are a fan of those types of extreme endeavors, then it is absolutely mandatory that you buy this record. For sound samples go to this location: . You can thank me later.
--EC 06.14.05