Brand New Sin
Century Media
Hard Rock
Popular Reviews
Brand New Sin – “Tequila” - 2006 - Century Media

Track Listing
1. Said and Done 2. Did Me Wrong 3. Spare the Agony 4. Iceman 5. The Proposition 6. Old 7. Worm Whore 8. See the Sun 9. Motormeth 10.Numero Dos 11. Elogio 12. Reaper Man 13. Acehole 14. House of the Rising Sun 15 Crank it Up (interactive media) |
Having seen Brand New Sin live back in 2005, in a Long Island Club, I was interested to see if the stage energy translated well on to disc. Lead vocalist Joe Altier has a fierce voice that is reminiscent of having just gargled with a jar of razor blades and if you’re looking for a good shriek, he delivers on the promise of angst, anger and anarchy-provoking vocals.
A Hard rock/Southern rock band from Syracuse, New York Brand New Sin has toured with Black Label Society which supports the feel of Tequila as a sturdy cd, that has a sound mix of BLS and Lynnard on a steady assault..
On the other hand if you are not a fan of having your ears bleed or you catch the twinge of what Altier’s voice could really do with a bit more control, you’ll be disappointed in Tequila. You might even need a large one to get through it.
The two most notable tracks are track six, “Old” and the dénouement of the cd is their excellent cover of “House of the Rising Sun”. What makes the latter well crafted is Brand New Sin embraces the best of both worlds- they stay true to what made the hit song good in the first place and still add their own flavor to give it a tasty twist. It also demonstrates what Altier could deliver vocally if he settled in on his own voice and quit trying to scream his way through somebody else’s. Kevin Dean on drums, Kenny Dunham and Kris Wiechmann on guitar and Chuck Kahl on bass round out the band and are solid in their own right.
Overall, “Tequila” is passable but it leaves you wanting more, not because the cd is that good but because it feels like Brand New Sin are close to the target, yet just far enough away from the bulls eye to keep you frustrated.
--Strutter 04.09.07