Slik Helvetika
Slik Helvetika
Popular Reviews
Slik Helvetika - ST - 2005 - Screaming MiMi Records

Track Listing1. Intro to War Machine 2. War Machine 3. Scream 4. High On You 5. Skies 6. Ride 7. Viand 8. September 9. Swine 10. Silhouette 11. She Kills 12. Departure 13. Westbound Train 14. Boy in Blue 15. Where Blood Spills |
Motley Crue with teeth.
That's the first impression this album will leave you with. I'm not talking about the glammed-out, somewhat-cheestastic 'hair' Crue, but the more intense, heavy stylings.
After an intro that sounded like military tanks rolling and guns blazing, what for me is probably the strongest track, "War Machine", kicks in. This isn't to write off the rest of the album. Tracks like "Scream" and "Swine" are standouts amongst an overall, solidly hard-rocking piece of work.
I'm not completely thrilled when the heavy charge slows down and enters 'ballad land,' with track 8 "September", but it's only a brief visit and the attack soon resumes. Slik Helvetika are based out of Philadelphia, fronted by Mikhall Myers, formerly of Destroyer. The lineup is completed by Steve Salter on drums (formerly of Sic Vikki), Ernie Carletti (formerly of Naughty/Naughty and Carlettis Way) and
former Destroyer bassist, Tom Zong.
Overall, I'd say these guys have produced an entertaining heavy rock album and I look forward, with interest, to hearing more from them.
--Susan Wright 08.11.05