Greatest Hits
Wind-Up Records
Hard Rock
Popular Reviews
Creed “Greatest Hits” Wind-Up Records 2004 reviewed by: Ken Pierce

Track Listing1. Torn 2. My Own Prison 3. What’s This Life For 4. One 5. Are You Ready 6. Higher 7. With Arms Wide Open 8. What If 9. One Last Breath 10. Don’t Stop Dancing 11. Bullets 12. My Sacrifice 13. Weathered |
Creed was one of the few nu-rock/nu-metal bands that always seemed to get a large amount of airplay on most stations that featured rock as its format. It also seemed like any fan of rock music, all knew the songs of Creed. There were those folks who griped that there was too much Eddie Vedder in Scott Stapps voice, and of course that was bound to happen since the Seattle Sound gave way to that being a standard in modern rock music. The band had an illustrious and interesting career from their first record “My Own Prison” to their last piece “Weathered”. Each CD the home of numerous songs that not only became hits on the radio, but also became staples in the clubs as well as in many local band repertoires.
This CD includes every one of the tracks that you would expect to find on it. There are no unreleased songs that some bands push on you in a hits piece. Just the 13 numbers that received high chart position or generated the best sales. While there is a decent amount of space left on the audio portion, the band did include enough numbers to warrant praise. I did not find myself lacking in material as I listened. The booklet, while in black and white as far as photography, makes sure to include lyrics for all of the songs. I always remembered Creed for having a big sing-along factor when I listened, so this makes it easier for those who indulge in this practice. The second disc that is included, is a DVD. This DVD Features the entire scope of the bands video work. Every single MTV/VH1 video is here for you to enjoy. This might have well been sold as a separate piece, but given the bands breaking up, it makes the most sense to give the fans the most bang for their buck by adding it to this package. Included videos are: My Own Prison, What’s This Life For, Higher, What If, With Arms Wide Open, Bullets, My Sacrifice, One Last Breath, Don’t Stop Dancing. The DVD also has a few unreleased live performances. They are: Torn, Higher, and Weathered.
The Creed videos were always well-thought out. Shot with a sense of artistry and difference. Songs that stood out for me in the video sense were “Higher”, “With Arms Wide Open” and “My Sacrifice”. On the live pieces, “Higher” is an excellent visual as the band performs on the roof of a skyscraper with fireworks shooting off during the piece. Arena rock at its finest.
Quite honestly this is a great amount of material for the dollar. I have seen it for sale at the major retailers for $10 bucks and that is a steal. I recommend it highly and am sad that such a good piece comes at the expense of such a talented band. I felt there was still some good music to make as a single unit. Mid 2004 Guitarist Mark Tremonti, Drummer Scott Philips, and Bassist Bryan Marshall have since gone on to form “Alter Bridge” while Scott has been doing solo stuff. It is too early to tell if both splinter acts will hold up the same way as Creed was able to. Only time will tell.
Rating: 9/10
Creed Homepage:
--Ken Pierce 1.20.05