Vicious Art
Fire Falls and the Waiting Waters
Popular Reviews
VICIOUS ART- Fire Falls and the Waiting Waters Candlelight 2005

Track Listing 01. Debria Seems to be Bleeding 02. Komodo Lights 03. Fire Falls 04. A Whistle And His Gun 05. Ceremony, the Waiting Waters 06. Mother Dying 07. The Poet Must Die 08. Cut This Heathen Free 09. War 10. Why Would the Capture Set Free the Flies?
It didn't suprise me at all to see this band was from Sweden.
Heavy, riff-laden chops combined with mid to fast paced tempos have been done to death by countless bands from that country already...but it's a tried and true fomula that wins me over every time. Featuring former members of such big name acts as Entombed, Dark Funeral and Grave, it should be no suprise to anyone that you're going to be treated to some high-class groovin' death metal. Vicious Art does not disappoint as tracks such as "A Whistler And His Gun", "The Poet Must Die" and "War" exibit some clear, intense pummeling honouring the old Gothenberg sound while not coming across as some second-rate wannabe. All 10 tracks held my attention and almost caused me serious whiplash. I'm a sucker for the combination of heavy, aggressive music that still allows you to headbang instead of staring at your stereo wondering if the cd is skipping. THIS STUFF SMOKES!!! Not much else to say other than if you love the groove/grind of heavyweights like Bloodbath and Grave than this will knock you on your ass as well.
Axeman 07.17.05