Merciless Death
Evil In The Night
Heavy Artillery
Popular Reviews
Merciless Death - Evil In The Night - 2007 - Heavy Artillery

Track Listing1. Slaughter Lord 2. Deadly Assault 3. Command Death 4. Burn In Hell 5. Exumer 6. Act Of Violence 7. The Final Slaughter 8. Ready To Kill |
Merciless Death has already won an award here at Maximum Metal. Yours truly, EC, greatest metal journalist of all time, deems "Evil In The Night" the best album cover of 2007. The illustration was done by famed metal artist Ed Repka (Megadeth, Evil Dead, Death). How perfectly fitting to have a zombie attack on your album jacket? A bit 80s perhaps, but that is exactly what Merciless Death is all about.
This young group of California brain-thrashers have brought back the old-school thrash, however it is most definitely not the brand of Metallica/Pantera worship that is so dominant in today's current market. No, this act is all about the raw thrash of the 80s, with bands like Razor, Exumer, and Iron Angel obviously a huge influence on this record. The band is stripped down to a three-piece featuring Cesar Torres on drums, Andy Torres on bass/vocals, and Dan Holder on guitar. Combined the band is simply a relentless speed metal attack, complete with wall of sound guitars, fast double-bass battery, and Andy's raspy spoken voice, rather reminiscent of Lemmie from Violent Force.
Through eight barnburners the group charge head on into thrash glory, with cuts like "Slaughter Lord" simply Hell bent on total acceleration. The band slows down to a degree for headbanging acceptance on "Act Of Violence" and the highlight "Exumer". Beyond that this is just a blender of a record that is sure to please denim and leather maniacs and possibly convert today's metal fan into a serious thrash mentality. Cheers to a band who simply goes against the grain and offers a senseless barrage of intense, fire-fury speed metal, old-school loud and proud.
They even have the Reebok high-tops.
--EC 08.27.07