Fireball Ministry
Their Rock In Not Our Rock
LiquorAndPoker Music
Hard Rock
Popular Reviews
Fireball Ministry - Their Rock In Not Our Rock - 2005 - Liquor & Poker Music

Track Listing1. It Flies Again 2. Sundown 3. Broken, The 4. In The End 5. Hellspeak 6. Two Years 7. Under The Thunder 8. Spill The Demons 9. Rising From The Deep 10. Save The Saved |
Their rock is indeed not our rock, with Fireball Ministry playing favortites with the most sincere old school metal mentality. Sure the band receive glorious critical praise and applause, and enjoy the beneficial package tour or three, but for the most part Fireball Ministry play a brand of metal that surely will be enjoyed by all spectators across the metallic realms.
Their ability to weave in and out of 70s neon lights and black exhaust is the core for the group, that rich, flamboyant background for which the band is known for. Creating walloping guitar devastation while entrancing the most "hippy" of Sabbath extremes, this LA band is really on par with the likes of Sheavy, C.O.C, and The Obsessed in terms of sheer metal grit. "Their Rock Is Not Our Rock" is the band's third effort to date and one that rumbles down the blacktop with the most slicked back, easy rider approach to metal since Stephenwolf screamed "heavy metal thunder". Just look at wicked stomps like "Sundown", "Under The Thunder", and the titanic "Spill The Demons" as exhibits for the cause, really freeing themselves of all corporate ring ropes and throwing down those massive, deeply tuned slabs of fuzz in a quest for world domination and acceptance.
Bottom Line - Fireball Ministry are probably one of the most important bands of the current state of metal affairs. Those who disagree, well they were probably never part of the brethren to begin with.
--EC 11.23.05