Dear Superstar
Damned Religion
Global Music
Popular Reviews
 | Dear Superstar Damned Religion
Company: Global Music Release: 2012 Genre: Metalcore Reviewer: EC |  |
Suffers from a terrible mix
I'll be damned if Dear Superstar haven't written another great record in a very short career. Why haven't you heard of them? Because the UK stalwarts have suffered from absolutely abysmal production values and the third record to date that is almost unlistenable. In the past the band have used Romesh Dodangoda, known for his quality work with Bullet For My Valentine and Funeral For A Friend. Those records both suffered tremendously with poor sound, almost bordering on a basement recording with no highs or lows. Now for this new offering the band take it upon themselves to produce and the end result is the worst sounding of the trio of records thus far.
"Damned Religion" should be a tremendous record. The Manchester group use modern rock (or post metalcore) to combine with the hard leather of 80s Sunset Strip lamplight. Think of band's like Burn Halo and Papa Roach, those modern mechanics all belching fire and whiskey but still making it melodic enough to appeal to stadium rockers. The bottom line is the recording suffers from a terrible mix....these chorus parts should boom with gang chant glory. They don't because the whole thing just runs together, muddy and meddled with absolutely no mids. The treble is constantly up making the guitars sound like a slim fast shake on a high speed blender. Drums....nowhere to be found.
This band could and should be leading the pack. Burn Halo, Papa Roach, Blessed By A Broken Heart and the less meaty Bullet For My Valentine make up the Dear Superstar allied powers. Please...somebody listen to this mess and offer constructive criticism.