Power of Omens
Rooms Of Anguish
Metal Ages
Popular Reviews
Power of Omens - Rooms Of Anguish - reviewed by Nailer

Track Listing 1. Welcome To My World 2. With These Words 3. My Best To Be... 4. A Toast To Mankind 5. As Winter Falls 6. The Calm Before The Storm 7. In The End 8. Only In A Dream 9. Rooms Of Anguish
I won't beat around the bush or break any balls and just say that "Rooms of Anguish" is Progressive metal the way I think of Progressive metal: super-talented musicians playing extremely difficult metal with odd time signatures, disjointed guitar riffs and expressive, operatic vocals. Lyrically, the CD is poetic, reflective and somewhat desolate with its spiritual questioning.
Lead vox, Chris Salinas, is a star singer with the pipes of a younger Geoff Tate crossed with the painful delivery of ex-Fates Warning vox, John Arch. I wasn't surprised after I wrote this to find out he's in a Queensryche Tribute band. Listen to "As Winter Falls" for a good example of his powerful voice.
There's so much going on here with vocals, guitar, bass, etc. that at times it seems like the guys are all in the same room, but doing their own thing. Really, this band is so far beyond me with their style that when I say I'd like to hear a bit less noodling, I'm probably just insulting myself. I'd like to hear these guys have less of a need to have each instrument, vocals included, so unconventional in flow and have more of the traditional structuring like on "Only A Dream". Then again, that would just make them Dream Theater clones.
"Rooms of Anguish" is music for musicians, not the average headbanger. If you're a prog fan, check them out.
Nice art and packaging by Travis Smith who also worked with Nevermore.
--Nailer 07.02.2003