Herman Frank
Right In The Guts
Metal Heaven
Popular Reviews
 | Herman Frank Right In The Guts
Company: Metal Heaven Release: 2012 Genre: Power Reviewer: EC |  |
Huge chops, gang anthems and the charging rhythms are obligatory
Who can dismiss the merits of one Herman Frank? The guitarist is very influential on the German scene starting with the extraordinary Accept in the late 70s. Frank continues to be a mainstay in the Accept camp but can easily be recognized in a half dozen or so other acts that make up the fabric of German hard rock. I've enjoyed his skills with the likes of Victory, Hazzard, Moon Doc and most recently the solo stuff. Add another gem to the man's illustrious career with "Right In The Guts", a rock'em sock'em smash of guitar licks galore, perfectly presented by new vocalist Rick Altzi.
This is the second solo venture to date and the follow up to the debut "Loyal To None" in 2009 (also on German label Metal Heaven). Frank has his hand in the production and acquires a new roster of band mates for this album. Rick Altzi replaces former singer Jioti Parcharidis, bringing to Frank a voice rooted in faster power metal based on his experiences with Thunderstone, Masterplan and At Vance. Newcomer Michael Wolpers replaces drummer Stefan Schwarzmann and a second guitarist joins in Mamalitsidis Cristos (say that five times fast).
The new addition of Altzi can really be heard on the faster power metal numbers, notably "Ivory Gates" and "Waiting" where the singer really elevates his register to something akin to At Vance. Frank's deep rooted hard rock persona is clearly represented on the Whitesnake styled "Falling To Pieces" as well as the stripped down feel of "Right In Your Guts". The Teutonic metal fans will enjoy "Lights Are Out" and "Roaring Thunder", both rapid fire attacks that recall Accept and Grave Digger (staples of German ilk).
Fans of Victory, Accept and Axel Rudi Pell will once again find plenty to love about "Right In The Guts". Huge chops, gang anthems and the charging rhythms are obligatory when it comes to this sort of hard rock. As Frank becomes more and more rooted in the Accept comeback it is still great to hear the other projects and commitments he has allotted time for. God bless guys like U.D.O and Tommy Newton for continuing to keep the German torch burning for years to come.