Return to Godless Times
Barbarian Wrath
Popular Reviews
Sithlord - Return to Godless Times - reviewed by: Agent of Steel

Track Listing1. Dissection 2. Summoning Thy Master 3. Holy Virgins Demise 4. Predator Moon 5. Dawning of the new Millennium in Darkness 6. Condemned to the Grave 7. Grim Thoughts 8. Necronomicon Ex-Mortis
Who’d have thought you could blend death/thrash metal with evil Star Wars themes and actually make it work! Leave it to those crazy Aussie's for yet another killer band to surface that screams evil-80’s-death/thrash!
The Return to Godless times is a great blend of raw old-school thrash and death metal, that is simple enough to be catchy, and technical enough to keep you interested. Darth Saundies screams can be heard well throughout the galaxy. The blast beats are not overdone, catchy riffs that scream old German Thrash worship, solos that resemble the sound of a stray cat being thrown in a blender, and solid explosive rumbles of carnage-or bass playing if you want to call it that. Any fan of old metal that’s not banging their head well on over to the dark side of the force after track 1 needs to check their pulse.
One thing that’s really weird about The Return to Godless Times is there are 8 tracks listed on the back, but there are 15 songs on the album! Oh well, whatever that’s about, it’s a minor complaint on a near-flawless Metal album. Old Metal never sounded so right in the year 2003!
Fans of Destroyer 666, old Sodom/Kreator/Destruction, Slaughter Lord, Celtic Frost, Atomizer, ect., shouldn’t be disappointed with The Return to Godless Times-a total trip back to the 80’s (without riding the extremely homo-erotic "retro" trend), past the Death Star, straight through the gates of Hell, and back in the Millennium Falcon, no less! Sith Happens...indeed! --Agent of Steel 2.24.03