Nordland 1
Black Mark
Popular Reviews
Bathory - Nordland 1 - reviewed by: 1EVIL1

Track Listing1. Prelude 2. Nordland 3. Vinterblot 4. Dragons Breath 5. Ring Of Gold 6. Foreverdark Woods 7. Broken Sword 8. Great Hall Awaits A Fallen Brother 9. Mother Earth Father Thunder 10. Heimfard
My experience with Bathory has created a love/hate relationship, because every album differs from the previous, but may sound like the album before last. Confused? Well, so am I.
The last effort Destroyer of Worlds was not well received by reviewers or many fans, except the truly hardcore. I, for one was ready for the return of Bathory, but found myself readily let down by their not so triumphant return. This is a band that has pioneered Nordic/Viking Metal and influenced many bands, but at the same time seems lost in their own journey. However, now, I believe with Nordland 1 they may have found a destination (for at least this 2 album saga).
It is my honest opinion that this is the best album the group has ever done. They place the listener on an unrelenting journey through Scandinavia with galloping riffs, multi-layered music, great vocals, and a heaviness not really represented in this genre of music. Album highlights include "Nordland", "Vinterblot" & "Great Hall Awaits A Fallen Brother". The only reason I can't give this album 5 skulls is because of poor production. Each song makes me want to keep turning up the volume, but I can't in fear I'll blow my speakers out. I realize this is part of the Bathory
sound and the Nordic feel, but with the catchy riffs and the bombastic sound you just have to ask yourself, "what would this album be like if Andy Sneap took a crack at it?" If this album is any indication of things to come, keep an eye out for Nordland 2! --1EVIL1 1.22.03